Bayworld, in a unique partnership with the Port Elizabeth Museum School (EMIS: 2000 100 611) a registered Department of Education in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, which presents exciting education programmes. At Bayworld, we invite educators and their learners to explore Natural Science, Social Science and Arts and Culture through our programmes. The education programmes incorporate a focus on good citizenship and our collective responsibility to ensure healthy environments.
Our engaging curriculum-based programmes are aligned with the national Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). These programmes are presented every day of the annual school calendar to learners of all abilities and are unequalled in academic excellence. In-house, these programmes serve learners from Grade R to 7 and; on the outreach programmes from Grades R to 12. Outreach programmes include specialised activities designed for the needs of rural communities and groups who find it economically challenging to visit the facility.
Our excellent team of graduate educators, all registered with the South African Council for Educators, forge connections between curious minds, nature, science, history and culture. Annually more than 100 000 learners with their educators benefit from our programmes.